Wednesday, April 15, 2009

15 Day Old Japanese Quail Move into New Cage

The baby quail are looking more like the adult quail they are destined to be. Thy are getting more of the white feathers on their tummies. They startle easier and WILL fly out of the cage if you leave an opening! One flew out a tiny crack in the lid when we were changing the litter and bumped into our kitchen window. I think he thought he was outside and free to fly away. To answer Grant's question: the Japanese quail do not get the cute little dingily feather on their head like the typical quail we all think of. They are now 2 weeks old. These quail become mature adults at an amazing rate. In 3 more weeks they will be full adults and the female quail will be able to lay their own eggs! And the cycle begins again!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big they're getting. I remember when they first hatched.
